Game Dev
Dreamons Scenes - Proof of Concept
1 year ago 1,173
A project I've hinted at for a while has finally manifested in some form! Though this is far from the first time I've made something like this...
Game Dev
Looking Back at Memody: Sindrel Song
2 years ago 1,300
I recently replayed this eccentric 'musical memory game' I actually finished and released in 2019. Despite some fears that I'd cringe over concerns about its content, I ended up feeling mostly impressed and in some cases surprisingly emotional! It's such a shame so few people got to experience the most moving moments though due to the gameplay barrier in the way...
Game Dev
Weekly Update - Implemented Elements Revisions & Shards!!
3 years ago 1,501
I spent this week revising Atonal Dreams to use the new elements, and I had the most productivity with and confidence about the project I've had in a long time!
Game Dev
Atonal Dreams: ~2 Years Of Progress
3 years ago 2,692
Atonal Dreams was meant as a short standalone prequel to a longer reimagining of the MARDEK story - itself a reworking of another project I'd started on earlier - which I intended to finish within six months to a year. It's been either about a year and a half, two years, or two years and four months since I started - depending on where the start is considered to be - and the finish line still seems distant. In this obnoxiously long, image-heavy post, I want to look back over the entire development journey, to see how the game has evolved each month.
Game Dev
Weekly Update - The Hows & Whys of Figmon
4 years ago 2,497
It's already September! How did THAT happen?? I've been working on Atonal Dreams for over a year... So much for the hope I could start and finish in 6 months like I did with Memody: Sindrel Song!
Looking Back at 2020
4 years ago 3,357
Well, we survived 2020 somehow! Or at least some of us did, myself surprisingly included. I've also been quite productive this year, so - as is my tradition - I shall look back on all the stuff I've made here!